Espiga Freth

Age: 20s?
Birthplace: Dalmasca
A wandering mercenary haunted by his past, Espiga is a male Viera, an extremely uncommon sight in this world. At one point in his life, he was searching for something–or someone–dear to him, but has come to accept that he’s lost it.
As a result, he’s grown cold and reserved, building up an emotional wall to protect him from further pain. However, should anyone be able to get past that wall, they’d find someone confident and calculating, who cares deeply for those close to him. His life is changed forever when he chooses to take on a new assignment–one that will take him to the bottom of the sea and introduce him to the one who will turn his life upside down.
Kikusui Gu

Age: 24
Birthplace: Sui no Sato
The oldest daughter of a poor family who lived in the underwater village of Sui no Sato. Despite her family being ostracised due to their unique makeup, Kiku was nothing short of kind and gentle with a hint of a sassy streak. Although young Kiku was clumsy and bookish, she was chosen to become a handmaiden to the Ruby Princess. With a bit of hesitation she was sent to the palace, where Kiku was more then happy to serve her highness.
However things can never be so easy, it wasn’t long after that, voidsent monsters attacked, possessing most in the palace, and killing the rest. Though she nearly lost her own life, she raised an arm up, and a brilliant flash of light surrounded her. The monsters ruled beneath the waves for years, until a mercenary came to clear it out, finding a young woman surrounded by light in the process.

Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Kugane
Everything about THE NINJA is shrouded in mystery… Even his name and identity. What is known about him is that he’s VERY good at hiding… So good that even his own party doesn’t know he’s around. He has a knack for showing up at the worst possible time, thinking that he’s being more helpful than he actually is.
Tetsuya Nyx

Age: 23
Birthplace: Kugane
Along with his sister Sunna, Tetsuya is an orphan left on the streets of Kugane. They were picked up by a dancer troupe, and while his sister grew up to become a dancer, he preferred to work with his hands. Eventually, he became a Machinist so that he could work as an engineer.
Unfortunately, he’s a terrible shot and is completely unable to hit whatever it is he’s aiming at. Thankfully, he’s also extremely lucky, so despite never being able to hit anything, things always work out in the end. However, as a result, he considers himself an absolute genius marksman.